Welcome back to my blog!! I hope you did your task from last time's post. If you did not, don't fret just remember to cherish the nature around you. Today's story is about love for nature. * Dane lives in New York: The jungle of buildings and busyness. He lived in a lovely Victorian home with a lush green lawn. Dane, as a child loved to listen to his grandpa's adventures as a jungle explorer. He felt empty because the place he lived in wasn't near to anything of a jungle that he longed to live in. As his father was a rich businessman, Dane asked him for a plot of land to fulfil his emptiness. The land that was given to him was a dry piece of land enclosed by wire brackets. He decided to change it into something more suitable to his needs. First, he removed the wire brackets and replaced them with a 5-inch tall brick border. Then, he fertilised the land. When this plot of land was ready for prep, he planted different species of palm around the land. This made a l...